Walker Custom Homes & Remodeling

5 Kitchen Trends

5 Kitchen Trends Decades ago, the kitchen was hidden in the back of the house. It was a place where meals were prepared and dirty dishes were washed. Fast forward to 2021 and the kitchen has a much different role. Today, the kitchen is the focal point of the home, the place that brings everyone […]

Outdoor Kitchen Trends

Green Homes Outdoor kitchens have been a growing trend for some time now. Texans are spending more time outside and are therefore installing outdoor kitchens in their yards. Gone are the days when homeowners were satisfied with just a rolling barbecue cart. Grill masters are taking center stage and are requesting fully functional kitchens with […]

Timeless Tiles

Timeless Tiles Whether for future sale or your own personal enjoyment, you’re determined to freshen up your home. Like many homeowners, however, time and budget constraints limit the extent to which you can transform your interior aesthetic. A simple tile update could be the solution, but you need a versatile look that complements your evolving […]

How to incorporate more storage into your custom home design

How to incorporate more storage into your custom home design When clutter starts to build up around your home, finding enough storage space can feel like an uphill battle. Clutter can pile up even in the most organized homes, but it tends to be much easier to stay organized when everything has a place. When […]


6 TYPES OF KITCHEN PANTRIES The value of having an adequate and ample kitchen pantry cannot be overstated. It is one of the most effective means of keeping a kitchen clutter-free and operating with efficiency. There are several types of kitchen pantries available and the right one for you will largely depend on the layout, […]

Green Homes

Green Homes Today everyone is talking about “going green” regarding home construction, even though not everyone knows what it means to be truly eco-friendly. Often seen as a costly, complicated home building solution, the current advantages of green building design are at an all-time high. But what does it mean to have a green building? […]